Feature 1
Israel In Hebrew
Don't worry - it is all in English. Read on, and you will understand why we call it "Israel in Hebrew."
There is tremendous interest in Israel in our western society. But more often than not, the news we get are biased, sometimes extremely so. The result is that people often have strong opinions about Israel – but they lack the facts and the context.
Feature 2
Get to Know the Pulse of Israel
Israel Pulse is a one-month intensive course in Jerusalem that seeks to explain why every Christian should have an engagement for Israel. The course connects the biblical with the modern Israel and shows how God’s calling on the Jewish people is as valid today as the day God said to Abraham “Go to the land.”.
Feature 3
Finding Noomi
In spite of her many sufferings, a firm conviction remained in Noomi; the God of Israel lives!
When Noomi returned to Bethlehem, the young Moabite woman, Ruth, was so taken by the conviction evident in Noomi’s life that she emphatically proclaimed the famous words: “Your people is my people, and your God is my God.”
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I met Gil one day when my regular hairdresser was on vacation and the haircut could not wait. Jerusalem is wonderful in that sense; for every fifty meters, you will find a grocery store, a synagogue, and a hairdresser – and that’s just a mild exaggeration. I chose Gil’s tiny and rather indistinctive shop.