Israel Pulse
Hiking on Mount Arbel in Galilee
Israel Pulse is a one-month intensive course in Jerusalem that seeks to explain why every Christian should have an engagement for Israel. The course connects the biblical with the modern Israel and shows how God’s calling on the Jewish people is as valid today as the day God said to Abraham “Go to the land.”
There is a lack of teaching on Israel in the church. And the teaching there is, has often focused on marginal issues or entered into speculation. Consequently, many Christians have no credible answer to why Israel is relevant to me as a Christian today. Worse yet, for many Christians, Israel is a non-topic in their lives.
In addition to dealing with the biblical material and the Jewish roots of Christianity, Israel Pulse also includes topics such as Jewish history, the establishment of Israel, Israeli society, the conflict, archaeology, Israel advocacy and more.
A mixture of lectures and relevant excursions – not to mention critical class discussions – give the participants an unparalleled opportunity to dig into the subject of Israel. The teachers are Israeli experts in various fields as well as ThereforeIsrael's own staff. Israel Pulse does not claim to have all the answers, but we do believe we can offer a framework for understanding Israel, its role in history, and today.
More importantly, the course aims to give all participants a greater love for our great Savior, Jesus, and for the people who gave Him to us.
We are convinced that through this course you will get to feel the pulse of Israel throughout history and be equipped to “say something good about Israel” in a credible and loving way.
Practical Information - Israel Pulse, spring 2019
Dates: March 25 – April 25
Price: 23 000 NOK or 2 700 USD
(Price is subject to change as a result of currency fluctuations)
Price includes:
Accommodation in dorms (4-6 beds)
Double or single rooms are available at a cost
Breakfast (except during the Galilee excursion)
Price does not include:
Flight ticket and airport transfers
Meals (except what is written above)
Anything else not specifically listed as included
For excursions in Jerusalem, the participants will arrive at the different sites by walking or by public transportation
Language of instruction: English
Last date of registration: February 20
Space is limited – please apply asap!
Important information!
ThereforIsrael reserves the right to cancel the course in case of too few registrations.
Do not buy a flight ticket to attend this course before consulting with us.
The course includes quite much walking and hikes – a reasonable level of fitness is needed
Click on the image below to go to the application form
More information
Contact us at